[한국연구재단 2020년 한중핵심공동연구사업] Investigating Interaction Mechanism of Risk Perception, Coping Behavior and Emotional Evolution between Public in China and Korea under Major Public Health Emergencies

IBA lab 관리자

※ 한국연구재단 2020년 한중핵심공동연구사업 (2020 KOREA AND CHINA KEY JOINT RESEARCH)


1. 과제명: 

국문과제명: 공중보건 위기상황에서 한국과 중국의 지각된 위험, 대응 행동, 그리고 감정 진화의 상호작용 메커니즘에 대한 연구

영문과제명: Investigating Interaction Mechanism of Risk Perception, Coping Behavior and Emotional Evolution between Public in China and Korea under Major Public Health Emergencies


2. 연구분야:

Public health management, operational sciences, health delivery sciences and social and behavioral aspects of emergency public health response (공중 보건 관리, 운영과학, 건강전달과학 및 긴급 공중 보건 대응의 사회 및 행동 측면)


3. 연구 개요: 


4. 연구참여자

5. 연구기간: 2020.10.01~2023.09.30

※ 1차년도 연구성과(2020.10.01~2021.09.30) : 

1. 학술지 게재:

(1). Dengjin Zheng, Xin Dai, Tianqi Lan, Wei Zhang & Jian Mou (2021) The Negative Effect of Share Pledging by Controlling Shareholders under COVID-19, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57:10, 2826-2837, DOI: 10.1080/1540496X.2021.1904885Article PDF

(2). Haibing Lu, Shan Liu, Wei Huang (Wayne) Jian Mou (2021) Challenges and Opportunities for Information Systems Research During and After Coronavirus, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 1-10, DOI: 10.17705/1pais.13201. Article PDF


2. 학술대회 발표: 

(1). 홍준우, 원종관, 홍태호(2021). "A comparative analysis of travelers’ online reviews among China, South Korea, and USA using sentiment analysis in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic", 2021 한국IT서비스학회 춘계학술대회.

(2). Chernyaeva Olga, Taeho Hong (2021). "Fake News Detection: Case of COVID-19 “Infodemic”, 2021 International Conference on Electronic Commerce

(3). Song-yi Yunm Taeho Hong(2021). "A Study on the Social CRM adoption in SMEs impacted by COVID-19 : Based on the TOE Framework", 2021 International Conference on Electronic Commerce

(4). JunWoo Hong, JongGwan Won, Taeho Hong (2021). "A comparative analysis of travelers’ online reviews among China, South Korea, and USA using sentiment analysis in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic", 2021 International Conference on Electronic Commerce

(5). Jian Mou, Chong Guan, Wenting Liu and Jongki Kim, “Predicting Cryptocurrency Market Using Social Media Sentiments and Search Trends during Covid-19,” 2021 International Conference on Electronic Commerce


3. 연구활동: 

(1). 2020.11.09 국제 온라인 워크숍 실시

(2). 2021.03.15 교내 온라인 워크숍 실시

(3). 2021.07.13 국제 온라인 워크숍 실시

(3). 2022.05.06 국제 온/오프라인 워크숍 실시


4. Awards: 

(1). 2021 International Conference on Electronic Commerce Best Paper - JunWoo Hong, JongGwan Won, Taeho Hong (2021). "A comparative analysis of travelers’ online reviews among China, South Korea, and USA using sentiment analysis in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic"


* Acknowledgement : 
    (1). 2020 National Research Foundation of Korea (2020K2A9A2A1110432911, FY2020)
    (2). National Natural Science Foundation of China (72061147005, 71802206, 71874215, 71571191, 72004244)
    (3). Humanity and Social Science Youth foundation of Ministry of Education (18YJC630262)
    (4). the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (QL18005)
    (5). Beijing Natural Science Foundation (9182016, 9194031)
    (6). Beijing Social Science Foundation (18JDGLB022)
    (7). Beijing Double World-classes Development Plan (Personalized content aggregation, presentation and application research on cross-Media Big Data) 





* MOU 체결:
- 일시: 2021. 09. 24. 금요일. 오전 11시 30분
- 대상:
   (1). 부산대학교 지능형경영분석 연구실: 연구책임자 홍태호 교수
   (2). George Washington University is strategy 연구실: 연구책임자 박영기 교수



※ 2차년도 연구성과(2021.10.01~2022.09.30) : 

1) 국제 학술대회 초청강연(Invited talk)

(1). MOU JIAN(2021). “Panel Discussion on Cross-border Issues and Technology and Management Solutions in the Post COVID-19 Period.”, The 2021 Workshop on Information Systems in Asia Pacific

(2). MOU JIAN(2022). “Transboundary Fine Dust Pollution in Korea and the China Challenge”, 2022년 대한중국학회 추계 국제학술대회

(3). MOU JIAN(2022). “Smart Services”, 2022 경영정보관련학회 춘계통합학술대회

(4). MOU JIAN(2022). “Service Design & Business Model”, 23rd international conference on electronic commerce


2) 학술대회 논문발표

(1). Olga Chernyaeva, Jisoo Ock(2022). “Effect of COVID-19 on College Academic Experiences: A Text Mining Approach”, 2022 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

(2). Chernyaeva, O., Hong, T., Ock J.(2022). “Topic Modelling of COVID-19 Infodemic Related News and Detection of Fake News.”, 2022 한국IT서비스학회 추계학술대회

(3). Jianbo Wang, Jongki Kim. “Investigating the Uptake of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications in South Korea and China: An Agency Theory Perspective”, 2022 경영정보관련학회 춘계통합학술대회

(4). 로영영, 김종기. “텍스트 마이닝과 네트워크분석 기반의 정보 프라이버시에 관한 학술 트렌드 분석연구”, 2022 경영정보관련학회 춘계통합학술대회

(5). Jian Mou. Yaxi Liu, Chunxiu Qin, Xubu Ma, Wenjian Pian. “Examining the Effects of Health Belief and Affection on Continued Teleconsultation Use in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Evidence from China”, 2022 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems

(6).  Jongki Kim, Jianbo Wang, “A Study on COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications,” E2: COVID-19 & IT Applications, ICEC 2022



3) 전문학술지 논문 게재

(1). 홍준우, 홍태호. "코로나19 팬데믹 상황에서 감성분석을 이용한 미국, 중국, 한국 여행자의 온라인 리뷰 비교 분석" 한국IT서비스학회지 20, no.5 (2021) : 159-176.doi: https://doi.org/10.9716/KITS.2021.20.5.159

(2). Xusen Cheng, Lin Xiao & Jian Mou (2022) "Interview with Yolanda Yao, Product Director of a leading cross-border e-commerce company", Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 25:1, 102-107, DOI: 10.1080/1097198X.2022.2026659

(3). Lin Xiao, Xusen Cheng & Jian Mou (2022) “Understanding global e-commerce development during the COVID-19 pandemic: Technology-Organization-Environment perspective,” Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 25:1, 1-6, DOI: 10.1080/1097198X.2022.2026658

(4). 로영영, 김진성 and 김종기. 2022, "라이브 커머스에서의 사용자 만족도 및 지속적 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 후기수용모델(PAM)을 기반으로", 인터넷전자상거래연구, vol.22, no.2 pp.237-258." 인터넷전자상거래연구 22, no.2 (2022) : 237-258.

(5). Lu, Haibing; Liu, Shan; Huang, Wayne; and Mou, Jian(2021). "Challenges and Opportunities for Information Systems Research during and After Coronavirus." Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 13, no. 2 (06, 2021): 1. doi:https://doi-org-ssl.eproxy.pusan.ac.kr/10.17705/1pais.13201. https://www-proquest-com-ssl.eproxy.pusan.ac.kr/scholarly-journals/challenges-opportunities-information-systems/docview/2551573899/se-2.


4) MOU 체결:
- 일시: 2022. 09. 02. 금요일. 오전 10시
- 대상:
   (1). 부산대학교 지능형경영분석 연구실: 연구책임자 홍태호 교수
   (2). University of Massachusetts Boston Digital Agility Lab. 


5) Awards:

(1). 2022 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 경영정보관련학회 춘계통합학술대회 최우수 논문상

수상자: 왕젠보, 김종기(2022)

논문명:  “Investigating the Uptake of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications in South Korea and China: An Agency Theory Perspective”


6) 연구활동: 

(1). 2022.05.06 국제 온 · 오프라인 워크숍 실시



※ 3차년도 연구성과(2022.10.01~2023.09.30) :

  1. 전문학술지 논문 게재:
    (1) Cheng, X., Zhang, S., Fu, S., Liu, W., Guan, C., Mou, J., ... & Huang, C. (2022). "Exploring the metaverse in the digital economy: an overview and research framework". Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics.
    (2) Cheng, X., Cohen, J., & Mou, J. (2023). "AI-ENABLED TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION IN E-COMMERCE". Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 24(1), 1-6. 
    (3) Lee, J. K., Huang, S., Ceran, Y., Lu, H., Liu, S., Huang, W., & Mou, J. (2023). Crossborder issues and technology and management solutions during COVID-19. Data Science and Management. 
    (4) 김종기, 왕젠보, (2022) "Investigating the Use of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications in South Korea and China: An Agency Theory Perspective." 인터넷전자상거래연구, 제22권 제5호, pp.1-24.
    (5) 게재예정- 김종기, 왕젠보, "Analyzing factors influencing COVID-19 contact-tracing application users' mobile location service settings: A perspective of information-motivation-behavioral skills model and implementation intention.", Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems


  2. 학술대회 발표:
    (1) 우성민, 김종기, “텍스트 마이닝과 콘텐츠 분석을 이용한 COVID 19 전/후 한국에 방문하는 여행객들의 리뷰 데이터 내 프라이버시 비교,” D2 IT발전과 개인정보, 2022 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 추계학술대회
    (2) 김종기, 왕젠보, “The Privacy Paradox Regarding the Use of Location-protective Settings in the Context of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications,” C2 디지털서비스와 교육, 2022년 한국정보시스템학회 추계학술대회
    (3) Cheng, X., Zhang, S., Liu, W., & Mou, J. (2023). "Understanding visitors' metaverse and in-person tour intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A coping perspective". In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023) (pp. 554-562).
    (4) Huang, Z., Mou, J., Kim, J., & Benyoucef, M. (2023). "Live Streaming: Its Relevant Concepts and Literature Review". In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023) (pp. 512-519).
    (5) 김종기, 왕젠보. (2023). "Analyzing Factors That Influence COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Application Users’ Mobile Location Service Settings: A Perspective of Information-MotivationBehavioral Skills Model and Implementation Intention"., 2023 경영정보 관련 학회 춘계통합학술대회
    (6) 허광영, 옥지수-예정

  3. 컨퍼런스 개최:
    ICCS 2022(Transition to Post-Covid 19 in China and East Asia



  6. Awards:
    수상자: 김종기, 왕젠보.
    논문명: "Analyzing Factors That Influence COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Application Users’ Mobile Location Service Settings: A Perspective of Information-MotivationBehavioral Skills Model and Implementation Intention"
    학회: 2023 경영정보 관련 학회 춘계통합학술대회


  8. 세미나 개최
    "Investigating Interaction Mechanism of Risk Perception, Coping Behavior and Emotional Evolution between Public in China and Korea under Major Public Health Emergencies"
    2023.07.04. 중국 베이징 인민대학교에서 개최

